Musicals, Live Orchestra to Film, Contemporary Dance and Classical Ballet

Modern presenters are faced with the challenge of programming music for film and game visuals accompanied by live orchestras. Effective leadership in these situations requires a specific skillset to synchronize the orchestra with on-screen visuals. The rhythmic elements in musicals, contemporary dance, and classical ballet require different focus compared to other classical genres.

Module 6 (3 credits)

Modern presenters find themselves increasingly programming works for Film and Game visual content accompanied by live orchestra. There is a particular skillset requirement needed to effectively lead the orchestra and sync the sound with the visual images on screen.

Musicals often integrate rhythm sections with orchestra, combinations of dance-band brass, saxophone sections, etc... very different to the material and orchestrations of the symphony orchestra. Dialogue and “underscore” also feature heavily in this genre.

Contemporary Dance differs to Classical Ballet and requires a different attention to rhythm than classical forms.

What exactly will you learn:

  1. Modern presenters find themselves increasingly programming works for Film and Game visual content accompanied by live orchestra. There is a particular skillset requirement needed to effectively lead the orchestra and sync the sound with the visual images on screen.

  2. Musicals often integrate rhythm sections with orchestra, combinations of dance-band brass, saxophone sections, etc... very different to the material and orchestrations of the symphony orchestra. Dialogue and “underscore” also feature heavily in this genre.

  3. Contemporary Dance differs to Classical Ballet and requires a different attention to rhythm than classical forms.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Multitask in a “Musical Theatre” environment, performing the dual role of “Musical Director” and “Conductor”

  • Perform as a conductor in a synced live performance with Orchestra and Film or Orchestra and Game, commanding all of the necessary skill sets required to effectively navigate this specialised work environment.

  • Direct an orchestra in the accompaniment of a Classical ballet or contemporary dance performance. E.g., the repertoire of the Mark Morris Dance Company.

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