Career Development, Promotion and Programming

Without self-leadership and business savvy, musicians become fixated on opportunities that would "make" their careers rather than having the knowledge of the resources required to produce those same opportunities to progress their professions.

Module 4 (3 credits)

Most musicians depart university programs with a technical proficiency on their chosen instrument allowing them to competently navigate the artistic side of their career, but careers often come to a halt when musicians find themselves ill-equipped to navigate the business aspects of their professional lives.

What exactly will you learn?

  1. Create a functioning press/media package kit

  2. Devise their own personal, recognisable musical image and brand

  3. Build and execute a successful outreach strategy to maximise opportunities and gain employment 

  4. Build and execute a successful social media strategy to create an online presence and build relationships and audiences 

  5. Determine and negotiate performance fees.  Understanding that fees are flexible and negotiable, determined primarily by the buyer’s capacity to pay.    

  6. Successfully devise networking strategies across multiple platforms in order to achieve specific career goals  

  7. Apply best business practices tailored to a performance career  

  8. Implement leadership strategies for developing collaborative projects 

  9. Effectively apply programming choices to shape the particular image or brand that they wish to convey

Learning outcomes:

Throughout the duration of this course module, students will learn the skills needed to steer their careers in a variety of directions, creating opportunities, applying effective marketing and unique personal branding techniques, incorporating current technologies into their overall career strategy, and ultimately becoming a successful CEO of their own professional musical image and brand.

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